
Saint- Désert is a commune in the Saône -et -Loire of the Burgundy region. It belongs to the district of Chalon- sur -Saône, in the canton of Givry and the Communauté d' agglomà Le Grand Chalon. The municipality has 912 inhabitants (1 January 2011 ), who call themselves Désiréens or Désiréennes.

The wine-growing town of Saint -Désert ( Côte Chalonnaise and Crémant de Bourgogne ) is approximately 15 km from Chalon -sur- Saône.

Worth seeing is the fortified church from the 15th century.

For tourists charming are hiking trails along the creek and through the vineyards with panoramic views of Mont Avril and Mont Pourroux.

Saint -Desert maintains a partnership for community Manternach in Luxembourg.

