
  • 2 -hydroxybenzaldehyde
  • 2- Formylphenol

Colorless to yellowish liquid with bittermandelartigem odor and burning taste


1.17 g · cm -3 ( 20 ° C)

-7 ° C

197 ° C

0,77 hPa ( 25 ° C)


  • Poorly in water ( 14 g · l-1 at 20 ° C)
  • Miscible with ethanol and diethyl ether



520 mg · kg -1 ( LD50, rat, oral)

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Salicylaldehyde is a naturally occurring in some plant and insect chemical compound which is today widely used as perfume and in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry will use. It is derived from both the benzaldehyde and phenol. The structure consists of a benzene ring with an added aldehyde ( -CHO) and hydroxy group (-OH) as a substituent. Salicylaldehyde belongs to the group of hydroxybenzaldehydes.


At about 1838 succeeded the Swiss pharmacists and pharmacists Johann Pagenstecherstraße to gain from the flowers of meadowsweet salicylaldehyde.


Insects (leaf beetles) produce this compound in special glands against predators from salicin their host plants. It is still in the swamp - Staude Spier or meadowsweet ( Filipendula ulmaria, formerly Spiraea ulmaria ) ago.

Production and representation

Previously salicylaldehyde by the Reimer -Tiemann reaction was (1876, early carbene ) won. Here, chloroform, potassium hydroxide and phenol are used as starting materials. Today is used as an improvement on a phase-transfer catalysis.


Salicylaldehyde has compared to the phenol (9.99 ) has a much lower pK a values ​​of 6.79; the electron-withdrawing aldehyde group ( -M effect) increase the acidity; the phenolic OH bond is increasingly polarized.


Salicylaldehyde is used as an intermediate in the dye and pharmaceutical industries as well as in 10 % alcoholic solution for the detection of ketones (eg acetone in the urine ) and fusel oils in alcohol. In addition, it is for the preparation of coumarin ( Perkin reaction ) and Schiff bases, such as the complexing agent N, N' -bis (salicylidene ) ethylene diamine (abbreviation: salen), the cobalt (II ) complex ( salcomine ) can reversibly bind oxygen used. It is also used as a fragrance in perfumes.
