
Salmo is a genus of bony fish of the family of salmon (Salmonidae ). The species of the genus are found in Europe, North Africa and West Asia. The genus includes the trout (Salmo trutta ) and Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar) popular food fish.


These are elongated fish with a higher than wide body cross-section. The head is relatively small, the mouth opening extends to below the eye and jaw are usually deformed in the males during the mating season to a hook. The tongue and the stem of the vomer are dentate, the latter at least in youth. The flanks have numerous dark spots, the caudal fin is monochrome. The anal fin has six to nine and a half branched rays. The scales of the lateral line organ are rounded, overlapping, and about as large as the scales above and below.

Way of life

Fish of the genus Salmo are usually anadromous migratory fish, that live in the sea, but ascend rivers to spawn on. In many species there are in addition to the anadromous migratory form (" sea trout " ) also constantly in freshwater remaining molding ( " Brown Trout ", " lake trout " ), in some species only freshwater forms occur. The various forms are usually not genetically isolated, can call each other mate and individuals can change from one form to another in some species.


The systematics within the genus Salmo is very controversial. While some authors recognize only a few species, other authors recognize a number of local populations as species or subspecies. Detailed studies are complicated by the occurrence of different forms within a species as well as the stocking of waters with non-local fish, so that the original distribution areas are no longer partially observed.


The following Artaufstellung follows for the European species Maurice Kottelat and Jörg Freyhof and for the non-European species Fishbase:


As well as an extinct species:

  • Maiforelle (Salmo schiefermuelleri )

North Africa

West Asia

  • Salmo chilo
  • Salmo euphrataeus Turan et al., 2014
  • Salmo ischchan
  • Salmo labecula
  • Salmo okumusi Turan et al., 2014
  • Salmo opimus
  • Anatolian trout ( Salmo platycephalus )
  • Salmo trutta aralensis
  • Amu Darya Trout (Salmo trutta oxianus )
  • Salmo tigridis