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Saltriosaurus ( lizard from Saltrio ) is the informal name for an Italian, medium-sized theropods. This was first mentioned in 2001 by Cristiano Dal Sasso and named according to Dalla Vecchia in 2001, but not scientifically described. Saltriosaurus is known only by fragments. The exact classification is disputed. It is only certain that it was a theropod.


Saltriosaurus was found in northern Italy, in the province of Varese, near the village of Saltrio in Saltrio lineup, which the Sinemurian ( Lower Jurassic ) can be assigned. The name was given in 2001 by Dalla Vecchia and refers to the advance of Dal Sasso given nickname " saltriosaur ", which refers to the formation, in which the animal was found. From the only known copy ( MSNM V3664 ) are about 10 % of the skeleton. This encloses a lateral tooth ( 45 mm long), ribs and shoulder blade fragments, a clavicle, humerus ( humerus ), metacarpal ( metacarpal ) - and finger bones ( phalanges ), as well as other parts of the hand, a fibula and another ( are all in all there are more than 100 bones). The size of Saltriosaurus is estimated to be 8 meters.


Saltriosaurus lived in the Jurassic age, which is often regarded as a time when Europe was largely flooded by the Tethys. According to Dal Sasso, however, this is wrong, at least for the habitat of Saltriosaurus. In his opinion, such a large animal could not survive on small islands due to its Nahrundsbedarfs. Since he believed that " Saltriosaurus " had to be at the forefront of a complex and terrestrial food chain, he assumes that there was a connection from Laurasia to Gondwanaland in the Lower Jurassic, with the would explain the existence of such animals.


About the exact systematic position of " Saltriosaurus " there are many uncertainties. Only the classification in the group Theropoda should be relatively safe. Dal Sasso has assigned the Tetanurae Saltriosaurus due to the presence of a fork leg. Later he also held possible that Saltriosaurus was a Carnosaurier. Benson saw Dal Sasso argument to be dubious. It could be his opinion also a member of the Coelophysoidea. Finally, this fork legs have. Saltriosaurus is a noun pending nudum its classification.
