Sam Parnia

Sam Parnia is an American cardiologist who does research experiences at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City on near-death experiences and out- physical.

His focus is on near-death experiences of cardiac patients. Since 2008 he works with his team at the AWARE study in which 1,500 patients who have survived a cardiac arrest, were then interviewed and examined whether they realize and remember that there were during their cardiac arrest in space images and objects. The results of the study are expected in late 2012 or early 2013 and will provide evidence of whether mental states ( mind, consciousness ) may occur without measurable brain activity.

Parnia is the author of What Happens When We Die: A Ground -breaking Study into the Nature of Life and Death, which so far exists on the basis of his research in English only. At the end of the AWARE study is in February 2013 Parnias new book Erasing death: The Science That is Rewriting the Boundaries Between Life and Death appear.
