
Samoniny ( German Samonienen, 1938-1945 clear flow ) is a small village in the northeast of the Polish Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship and is part of the Gmina Gołdap (Town Goldap ) in Gołdapski powiat ( county Goldap ).

Geographical location

Place name

The German name Samonienen derived from Samanynai or Samynynas and means " moss ground," perhaps indicating the moor in the area. An estate village of the same name was for twenty miles to the north at Tollmingkehmen (1938-1946 Toll Mingen, Russian: Chistye Prudy ), which was renamed in 1938 in riding and is now called Dokutschajewo.


The small village Samnonienen at Goldap in 1592 first mentioned officially. It had at that time only about 200 acres. The few local residents are the major pest 1708-1710 have not survived, because only in 1750 was a meager resettlement: only two farmers were prescribed country. In 1785 there were already in place five fireplaces, and in 1895 they came up with eleven houses with a total of 108 residents.

On March 18, 1874 Samonienen belonged to the new communities that the District Ballupönen (1938-1945 Ballenau, Polish today: Bałupiany ) formed, the (Polish: Grygieliszki ) later in the district of Grilskehmen and on 25 July 1939 in the district of grilse was renamed.

In 1910, the municipality Samonienen counted 76 inhabitants, in 1933 there were 76 and in 1939 62

On June 3, 1938 Samonienen received with official confirmation of 16 July 1938, the politically and ideologically motivated name change to ' clear flow ", but remained until 1945 the county Goldap in the government district in the Prussian province of East Prussia Gumbinnen belonging.

At the end of World War II was 19 of 62 residents lost their lives. The town became part of Poland and was named Samoniny. He is now part of Gmina Gołdap in powiat Gołdapski in the Warmia and Mazury ( Suwałki Voivodeship from 1975 to 1998 ).


The pre-1945 majority Protestant population of Samonienen / clear flow was in the parish church of the same Goldap in the circle in the ecclesiastical province of East Prussia the Church of the Old Prussian Union the parish. Also for the Catholic population consisted of connection to their parish in Goldap.


  • Place of Warmia and Mazury
  • Gmina Gołdap