San Gregorio de Polanco

San Gregorio de Polanco on the map of Uruguay

San Gregorio de Polanco is a city in Uruguay.


It is located in the south of the department of Tacuarembó the right bank of the Río Negro.


On October 15, 1963, classified " villa" San Gregorio de Polanco by law Nr.11.689 in the category.


In the 1996 census, 3,101 inhabitants were counted. In 2004, the population of San Gregorio de Polanco 3,673 ( as of 2004). In the 2011 census, 3,415 inhabitants were registered in the city, of which 1,702 male and 1,713 female. This makes it the third largest city of the department.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay



Through the city leads the Ruta 43

City ​​council

Mayor ( alcalde ) of San Gregorio de Polanco is Sergio Texeira.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Julio Alpuy ( born 1919 ), artist
  • Cacho Labandera, musicians