San Jose Chinantequilla

San José Chinantequilla on the map of Oaxaca

San José Chinantequilla is a municipality in the district mixes the Mexican state of Oaxaca. It is located in the municipality of Villa de Morelos Totontepec.


The village has about 463 inhabitants ( according to the last census ) and is located about 1160 meters above sea level. The inhabitants speak Mixe and Castilian. Infrastructural improvements in the region have recently led to a better accessibility of San José Chinantequilla.


There is little information on the origin of this community. It is believed that San José Chinantequilla was established as one of the last places in the region of the mixes and thus is a relatively young settlement. The mixes were a warlike people, who have fought with both the Zapotecs and the Spaniards numerous fights. Of the latter, they were also called the Unconquered.


Chinantequilla located in the north of the state of Oaxaca about 85 km from the capital city of Oaxaca de Juarez. The region is named after the indigenous population also Sierra Mixe, adjacent to the highlands and includes peaks up to 2,500 meters a. The climatic conditions are correspondingly diverse.


San José Chinantequilla is an agriculturally oriented community. In addition to goods for self-catering are produced for resale mainly coffee and brandy.
