San Pedro Perulapán

San Pedro Perulapán on the map of El Salvador

San Pedro Perulapán a municipality in the department of Cuscatlan in the center of the Central American nation of El Salvador.

San Pedro Perulapán located 21 kilometers east of San Salvador.

Geographical classification and location

It belongs to the Distrito Cojutepeque. The municipality is divided into 17 cantons and 120 Caserios. The municipality is bordered to the north by Suchitoto, on the east by Santa Cruz and Tenancingo Michapa, to the south by the Lago de Ilopango to the west by Oratorio de Concepción, Perulapía and San Martín.


The church tower is still hanging the bell, which rang for the victory of the troops from El Salvador. In the parish church an icon of the village's patron saint St. Peter, which has a bullet hole depends. From the steeple of the Cerro de Guazapa can be seen. The paved road from Suchitoto to San Martín passes the traffic to San Pedro Perulapán.

Batalla de San Pedro Perulapán

On September 25, 1839 was José Francisco Morazán Quezada 800 soldiers from El Salvador, 2,000 soldiers from Honduras and Nicaragua beat under Francisco Ferrera, as the governments of Honduras and Nicaragua wanted to break away from the Central American confederation.
