San Pedro Sacatepéquez, Guatemala

San Pedro Sacatepéquez on the map of Guatemala

San Pedro Sacatepéquez is a 15,000 inhabitants town in Guatemala and the administrative seat of the homonymous municipios in the department of Guatemala. The city is located 23 km north-west of Guatemala City on National Road 5, which further leads on San Juan Sacatepéquez and Montúfar into Baja Verapaz department and to the north.

The 48 km ² relatively small municipality situated in the north western highlands of the department of Guatemala at an altitude of about 2,000 meters. It has a total of about 35,000 inhabitants, which are the majority are Cakchiquel. A majority of the people live in rural settlements and villages, including Vista Hermosa, Buena Vista and Chillani. Facing southeast toward the hill country goes to the plains of Mixco Guatemala City, on the offers from a very good view from the municipality of San Pedro.

Adjacent Municipalities are San Juan Sacatepéquez in the north, the northeast and San Raimundo Mixco the east and south. In the West, San Pedro borders the Municipalities Santo Domingo and Santiago Xenacoj Sacatepéquez in the neighboring Department of Sacatepéquez.
