San Pietro di Castello (island)

Template: Infobox Island / Maintenance / height missing

The island of San Pietro di Castello, Venetic San Piero di Castello, originally Olivolo, located at the eastern end of the city of Venice near the arsenal in the Castello district. It is connected by two bridges over the 35 to 50 meter wide Canale de San Pietro with the rest of Castello, namely Campo Runga and Sant'Anna. To the south is the at the narrowest point only 10 meters wide Rio de Quintavale, but this does not carry over bridge to the neighboring island of Sant Elena. San Pietro di Castello is 380 meters long and up to 245 meters wide, and six acres in size, or more precisely 62 612 m². On 31 December 2009 the island had 530 inhabitants.

In the early days of Venice Rialto Olivolo was with one of the first populated places in the lagoon of Venice. It differed in the course of Venetian history always from the center of the city. Olivolo was a bishopric, own diocese, which was later converted into the Patriarchate of Venice. Seat of the Venetian patriarch and bishop's church was to the end of the Republic of San Pietro di Castello ( church). Until the 19th century the island from the rest of the city was completely separated by a wide channel.

The origin of the name Olivolo is not secured, there are just different speculations: The island should be named according to their olive shape or you should have cultivated olives there.

Located on the island of San Pietro Basilica di Castello was from the 7th century to 1807 Cathedral of the Patriarchate of Venice, while San Marco was the Palace of the Doges, and the state church.



Francesco Guardi: Island of San Pietro di Castello
