Sand shark

Sand tiger shark ( Carcharias taurus)

The Sand Sharks ( Odontaspididae ) are a small family of sharks ( Selachii ) and to the order of Makrelenhaiartigen include ( Lamniformes )

Sand sharks are leisurely float. They have relatively small eyes in relation to the body and have to protect not Nick skin around the eyes. The long, sharp teeth are all to the front and give them a dangerous look through the open mouth while swimming. However, they are not aggressive.

In the sand sharks there is a prenatal cannibalism. Only the two oldest pups develop and be born. After they have their own first yolk sac that provides them the most important nutrients consumed, develop in the Erstgeschlüpften teeth. In later gestation period of between eight and twelve months with sand sharks, the oldest of unfertilized eggs and embryos siblings feed.


There are divided into two genera in three ways. The most familiar type is the sand tiger shark:

  • Great tooth sand tiger shark ( Carcharias ( Rafinesque, 1810) ) Sand tiger shark ( Carcharias taurus ( Rafinesque, 1810) )
  • Schildzahnhai ( odontaspis ferox ( Risso, 1810) )
  • Bigeye sand tiger shark ( odontaspis noronhai ( Maul, 1955) )