Sándor Jávorka

Sándor Jávorka ( born March 12, 1883 in Hegbánya, today Štiavnické Bane, † September 28, 1961 in Budapest) was a Hungarian botanist. His botanical author abbreviation is " jav. ".

Life and work

After attending school in Selmecbánya Sándor Jávorka studied at the University of Budapest, where he was a PhD in 1906 with a thesis on the genus Onosma. Since 1905 he was employed in the Department of Botany of the Hungarian National Museum, where he remained until 1940, most recently as its director, worked. Even after retirement, he remained there still active. In 1939 he received a professorship at the University of Budapest. In 1936 he became a corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, seven years later a permanent member. In 1952 he was awarded the Kossuth Prize.

The focus of the scientific work Jávorkas formed the taxonomy of plants, flora of Hungary, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Albania. From 1903, he has published over 220 works, including 18 books. His main works include the 1924/25, published Flora Hungarica ( 1924-25 ) and the complementary image Tafelwerk Iconographia Florae Partis Orientalis Austro - Europae centralis ( 1929-1934, with the co-author Vera Csapody ), besides several identification books and a biography of the Hungarian botanist Pál Kitaibel.
