Sant'Antonio di Ranverso Abbey

Sant'Antonio di Ranverso is a former abbey in the small village of Alta Buttigliera west of Turin at the entrance of Susatales. It was founded in 1188 by Umberto III. founded by Savoy.

Ranverso comes from Rivus inversus, which is a moraine hills situated north of the channel is meant. The St. Anthony the Hermit consecrated Abbey was inhabited by Antonianermönchen that there operated a hospice for over the Alps attracting pilgrims and the St. Anthony's fire fighting by rubbing with bacon. The Romanesque church was built with the newly founded abbey.

However, the complex has undergone numerous changes over the following centuries. From the hospice today the facade is still there, the church was changed in 1300 in Lombard- Gothic style and added a bell-tower. There are frescoes from the 13th century and a fresco cycle of the then court painter Giacomo Jaquerio of Savoy in 1430 with the presentation of the Cross of Jesus in the sacristy of the church walls. The frescoes in the presbytery were from Defendente Ferrari from the year 1531.

Under Pope Pius VI. went the Abbey 1776 to today the property of the Order on Mauritius.
