Santa Cruz Palace, Madrid

The Palacio de Santa Cruz ( German Santa Cruz Palace) is a purpose-built 1629-1636 palace in the Spanish capital of Madrid, near the Plaza Mayor. Originally the building was used as a prison until King Philip IV used it as a palace. Today it is one of the main palatial buildings in Madrid. He is declared Bien de Interès Cultural ( German heritage ).


King Philip IV had the building in 1629 originally as the Spanish Sala de Casa y Corte de Alcaldes ( mayor's house ) built, which should also serve as Hofgefängnis. It was at that time the name of Spanish Cárcel de Corte.

In 1767, King Philip V used only as a mayor's house and renamed the building into Spanish Palacio de Santa Cruz.

Currently the palace is from the Spanish Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación used (eg Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation ) as his official residence.
