Santarem marmoset

White Shoulder marmoset ( Callithrix humeralifera )

The White Shoulder marmoset ( Callithrix humeralifera or Mico humeralifer ) is a primate of the family of marmosets.


White Shoulder marmoset, like all marmosets relatively small primates. They reach a body length 20-27 centimeters, the tail is much longer and measures 31 to 37 centimeters. The average weight is 475 grams. Their fur is colored on the back and hind legs dark brown to black, the shoulders, the front legs and belly are whitish. The long, bushy tail is ringed black and gray. The head is black and shows white spots above the eyes, striking are the white ear tufts, reminiscent of the marmoset.

Distribution and habitat

White Shoulder marmosets are found in Brazil only in the eastern Amazon basin. Its distribution area is in the north of the Amazon River, bounded on the west by the Rio Maués and to the east of the Rio Tapajós. Their habitat is tropical rainforests.

Way of life

Little is known about the habits of these primates, probably agrees with that of the other marmosets match. Consequently, they are diurnal and arboreal, the night sleeping in the jungle liana or in tree hollows. They live in groups of up to 15 animals, which are organized around with intact pair. Their diet consists of tree sap - for what they are with their specialized teeth adapted in the lower jaw, with which they are able to gnaw holes in the tree bark. In addition, they also eat insects and other small animals as well as fruits. As with all marmosets are considered to outweigh twin births and the father and the other group members are closely involved in the rearing of the young.


In parts of its range of white shoulder silk monkey habitat destruction is exposed by deforestation, possibly will be added also the hunting. About the level of danger but little is known, the IUCN lists it under "too little data available " ( data deficient ).
