São Domingos, Goiás

São Domingos is a Midwestern ( Região Central Oeste) of Brazil lying municipality and small town in the state of Goiás in the mesoregion eastern Goiás and in the micro-region Vao do Paranã. It is located north-northwest of the Brazilian capital Brasília and Goiânia northwest of the capital.

Geographical location

São Domingos is located in the northeast of Goiás in central Brazilian highlands to 677 meters and on the right side of the region names indicate rapid river, the Rio Paranã. The eastern boundary of the municipality runs along the watershed of the Serra Geral de Goiás, which forms the border between the river systems Rio São Francisco and Rio Tocantins.

São Domingos borders

  • To the north by Divinópolis de Goiás and Campos Belus
  • To the east of São Desidério, Correntina (both in Extremo Oeste Baiano, BA)
  • To the south by the Guarani de Goiás and Iaciara de Goiás
  • On the west by Monte Alegre de Goiás and Nova Roma


The economy of São Domingos is mainly based on agriculture. The local power plant generates 95 % of the electrical energy for the region. The many waterfalls, caves and grottos of the Serra Geral de Goiás and the koliniale architecture attract many tourists to São Domingos.
