Sarah B. Pomeroy

Sarah B. Pomeroy ( born March 13, 1938 in New York City ) is an American Classical philologist and Althistorikerin.

Pomeroy, who holds a doctorate in 1978, was Distinguished Professor of Classics at Hunter College of the City University of New York, then at Brooklyn College, Vassar College and Columbia University. In 2004 she became Professor Emeritus. She is primarily known in the English-speaking world through their writing on the cultural history of the ancient world, especially the history of women. She is also a translator and commentator ( for example, Xenophon Oekonomikos ) known. Its most important work is Goddesses, Whores, Wives and Slaves. Woman in Classical Antiquity (1975, since then more than ten reprints ). With the book, it became the pioneer of onset in the 1970s and also the classical studies reach Gender Studies in the U.S. and thus the world.


  • Women's Lives in Classical Antiquity, Kröner, Stuttgart 1985 ( Original: Women in classical antiquity, Schocken Books, 9th edition, New York, 1984 ), ISBN 3-520-46101-3
  • Women in Hellenistic Egypt. From Alexander to Cleopatra, 1984. ISBN 0814322301
  • Xenophon: economicus, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1995 ISBN 0198150253
  • Families in Classical and Hellenistic Greece. Representations and Realities, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1997
  • Spartan Women, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2002. ISBN 0195130677