Sarcodon imbricatus

Habicht fungus ( Sarcodon imbricatus )

The hawk fungus, hawk - Stache Ling or Rehpilz ( Sarcodon imbricatus ) is a species of fungus in the family Weißsporstachelingsverwandten ( Bankeraceae ). He comes from the kind of Braunsporstachelinge, which is represented in Central Europe with a dozen species. His German name was given to the fungus because of the scaly Hutoberseite, reminiscent of the feathers of a hawk. Also, the scientific name is based on the appearance of the fruit body: It means as much as " with bricks covered " (Latin imbricatus ) " meat tooth " (Greek Sarcodon ).

The hawk fungus is fungus of the year 1996.

  • 6.1 Notes and references


Macroscopic characteristics

The 5-15 (-30 ) cm wide hat is light brown to almost black colored, flat or recessed arched like a funnel in the middle. The densely populated with sparrig projecting, more or less pointed scales top reminiscent of a hawk feathers ( hence the name ). The light gray to gray spines on the Hutunterseite run on a stick down a bit, reach a length of up to 1 cm and a diameter of up to 0.5 mm. Finally, the spikes are tinted purple-brown by the brownish spores powder. The often short and stubby stem is 5-8 cm long, 2-5 cm thick and can be fused at the base with other fruiting bodies. First, whitish colored, tans the stem by the base. The first whitish flesh with age a gray to brown color. Both the taste and the smell is pleasantly spicy. Older specimens taste but slightly bitter. Full-grown giants can bring up to 5 kilos.

Microscopic characteristics

The elliptical in outline to roundish spores have roughly above, double hump and are 5-7.5 microns long and 4.5-6 microns wide. Spores length can be up to 8.2 microns.


Similar Stache -form species such as the gall - Stache Ling ( Sarcodon scabrosus ), the Finnish Stache Ling (p. fennicus ) and the Scaly Stache Ling or pine hawk mushroom ( P. squamosus ) are usually rare and do not reach the size of the hawk fungus. They differ by a strong bitter taste, only the Scaly Stache Ling hardly tastes bitter, and a blackish to greenish - blackish stem base. Presumably there are no poisonous doppelganger under the sting rings. In addition, the hawk mushroom with Korkstachelingen ( Hydnellum sp.) Could be confused, however, have in the flesh zoning.


The hawk fungus grows on moderately dry to moderately fresh, low base until well supplied with bases, strong but very poor soils in various beech and spruce - fir forests ( wood rush, Woodruff, hair barley and pine beech forest, beech-fir and spruce- fir forest ). He is also to be found in spruce forests on silicate, marl and limestone. As mycorrhizal fungi fruiting bodies always appear on Earth and not on wood. You will be happy together in all fairy rings. It prefers higher elevations, but also occurs in the lowlands. The type fruktifiziert June to November.


The hawk meridional fungus is widespread in the western boreal Holarctic up. It comes in Asia (China, Japan, Pakistan and West Siberia), North America (USA; boreosubtropisch to montane in Mexico) before and in Europe in almost all countries. In Germany, the kind in the southern states of Bavaria and Baden- Württemberg their focus, but also comes in all other provinces such as Berlin and Lower Saxony before. However, the stock has been declining since 1970: In many parts of Saxony, Saxony- Anhalt and Schleswig -Holstein, the species is already lost. For this development, the acid and poison entry and the eutrophication of surface soils is blamed.


The hawk mushroom is edible. There are primarily young fruiting bodies for human consumption, older specimens, however, taste bitter. How many species of fungi is the hawk mushroom in raw or insufficiently heated state unwholesome and should therefore always be piping hot. Young fruit bodies are good for frying. Larger specimens, the bitter substances are removed by over-brewing and discard the cooking water. Dried and ground gives the mushroom powder sauces and soups a spicy aroma. It goes particularly well with game dishes. However, the dosage needs a little experience.

