
The Satren (also Satrer ) were a Thracian people who populated the forests of Pangaion Mountains. The ancient writer Herodotus characterized it as a very freedom-loving tribe, who fought bravely against the penetration of the thasitischen colonialists and could not be subjugated by the Persian kings. Xerxes I shunned the mountains with his draft.

On the highest mountains of the Pangaion there was probably a Thracian oracle of Dionysus, which belonged to the Satren and was managed by their kinsmen, the Bessen. Herodotus noted an analogy to the priesthood of the Delphic Apollo sanctuary and saw a correspondence of the Thracian Bessi with the Delphic Pythia. The localization of the sanctuary has not yet succeeded. As a possible location applies the cave near the monastery Asketotrypa Eikosiphoinissa in the north of Pangaion Mountains.
