Saunders Island, Falkland Islands

Saunders Iceland (Spanish: Isla Trinidad ) is the fourth largest of the Falkland Islands. It has a size of 132 km ² and is located northwest of West Falkland. It is used for sheep farming. Today's settlement on the east side of the island is called Saunders Settlement Iceland and has a runway.


Without being aware of the presence of France in Port Louis, in 1765 took the British captain John Byron Saunders Iceland and other islands of the Falklands archipelago for King George III in possession. The following year he founded Saunders on the harbor Port Egmont Iceland. That same year, Spain acquired the French colony and placed it in 1767 under its own management.

1770 occupied a Spanish frigate the port and drove the British, which Spain and the United Kingdom brought war closer. Spain finally agreed to abandon Port Egmont in favor of the British. 1774, the British gave Port Egmont on economic considerations. At that time, they left behind a table on which they maintain their sovereignty over the Falkland Islands.


Live on the island and breed rockhopper penguins, gentoo penguins, Magellanic penguins, king penguins, Schwarzbrauenalbatrose and many other birds.
