Saxifraga cespitosa

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Cushion saxifrage ( Saxifraga cespitosa )

The cushion saxifrage ( Saxifraga cespitosa L.; Syn: S. groenlandica L.) belongs to the genus Saxifrage ( Saxifraga ) and the family of the saxifrage family ( Saxifragaceae ).

Description and ecology

The cushion saxifrage is a perennial herbaceous plant that reaches the heights of growth between two and four inches. They are clump -forming and form polster-/teppichartige plant populations. The flowering shoots are densely covered with leaves, with flowerless foothills have a lower leaf number and bear smaller leaves.

The approximately one centimeter wide corolla consists of five radiating white, rarely blue -red to red-violet petals together that are about five to ten millimeters long. The five sepals are hairy, the ten stamens and the anthers have a blue coloration. The gynoecium at the root is synkarp ( verwachsenblättrig ) with two pencils and two scars. At the end of the peduncle is one bloom. The overwintering leaves are opposite sitting in four rows. They are usually lobed three-part, five-lobed or rarely simple. They are wedge-shaped, with a distinct stalk and broad with blunt or slightly pointed lobes. The leaves are densely covered with short glandular. The fruit is composed of a two-piece capsule. The cushion saxifrage is self pollinating.

The flowering season lasts from May to July.

The species has the chromosome numbers 2n = 78 or 80


The cushion has saxifrage in the northern hemisphere on a circumpolar distribution area. He often comes in the Canadian Arctic (including Baffin Island, Ellesmere Iceland ), Alaska, Greenland, prior to Iceland, Spitzbergen and Severnaya Zemlya. The species occurs outside the polar regions present in the boreal zone and the alpine altitude level in the mountains of Europe and North America. In Europe they are found in Iceland, Spitzbergen, Scandinavia, northern Russia but also in the northern United Kingdom.

From upholstery saxifrage is known that he ( like the Alpine poppy ) outside the icy areas probably survived in peripheral Glazialrefugien and immigrated to the Alps. As growth locations are cliffs, the wind -exposed sites, permafrost, rock crevices, gravel plains and Fjellheiden question.


Besides the described type, there are probably some varieties, however, are described adequately and morphologically identified:

  • Saxifraga cespitosa subsp. cespitosa
  • Saxifraga cespitosa subsp. exaratoides ( Simmons ) Engler & Irmsch.
  • Saxifraga cespitosa subsp. monticola (Small) A. E. Porsild
  • Saxifraga cespitosa subsp. uniflora ( R. Br ) A. E. Porsild