Saxon Switzerland Ring

The Saxon - Switzerland - ring is a regional train connection in the district of Saxon Switzerland & Eastern Ore Mountains. It runs from Pirna Dürrröhrsdorf, Neustadt in Sachsen and Sebnitz to Bad Schandau.


A continuous regional train traffic on the Saxon - Switzerland - ring takes place only in 2004, after the through train service has been set on the railway line Bautzen- Bad Schandau between Bautzen and Neustadt due to low passengers numbers. Since the coming of Pirna trains in Neustadt are consistently continues through bonded via the Sebnitztalbahn to Bad Schandau. In DB timetable the route was given the number 248

Since 12 December 2010, the line will be operated due to a re-tendering of transport services from the cities train Saxony. It bears the name line SB71.

See also main article:

  • Railway Bautzen- Bad Schandau
  • Railway Kamenz- Pirna
  • Railway Neustadt- Dürrröhrsdorf