Saxony (duck)

The Saxony Duck is a first time in 1934 by Albert Franz presented in Chemnitz Saxony breeding with blue- yellow color shock. Due to the Second World War it was recognized as a breed until 1957.

History and distribution

1924 Albert Franz began with a Rouen duck and a blue Pomeranian ducks drake erzüchten to the breed. Only eight years later, the first appealing animals came close to the desired color. Later, the introgression of Deutsche Peking duck followed. A possible introgression of Orpingtonenten is controversial.

Franz presented the new race for the first time in 1934 in Chemnitz- Altendorf. As of the end of the Second World War only a few animals were present had to Albert Franz 1952 begin again with the breeding. From 1957 the race in the former GDR is recognized. 1958 was followed by the establishment of the special breeding community and the recognition in Germany.

Because of her success as an economic race breeding gained international distribution fast: 1965 in Switzerland and in France in 1968, later followed by the UK and U.S.. Today, the Saxony duck is grown around the world, in Europe, the German defaults federally German race poultry farmers apply. In the U.S. the cultivation is not standardized.


The breeding goal of the race is a strong but not too heavy-handed form similar to the country ducks with horizontal attitude, broad chest, belly arched, not too thin neck, clear colors, tight fitting springs and many downs. The drake is feathery blue on the head and neck to the closed, white neck ring, the chest is colored maroon. The duck has yellow pea, orange colored feathers. The face is drawn on both sides with two almost white stripes, wherein the upper runs up behind the eye, and the lower end below the eye.
