This product was added to computer science because of the content, defects on the quality assurance side of the editor. This is done to bring the quality of the articles from the computer science subject area to an acceptable level. Help us to eliminate the substantive shortcomings of this article and take part you in the discussion! ( ) is an initiative that developed a common ontology for structuring data to sites on the basis of existing markup languages ​​. It was originally formed by the three largest search engines in the world like Google, Bing and Yahoo; the first version was published in June 2011. In November 2011, Yandex became the biggest Russian search engine, the initiative.

With the development of ontology, content can be marked on websites using HTML Microdata and RDF to be more easily perceived by the relevant search engines. Through this unified markup language webmasters on the one hand facilitates the work because they do not have to qualify for multiple search engines elements, on the other hand, the search engines will help to show through better labeling relevant search results.

Much of the classes and attributes of carried over from earlier formats such as Microformats, FOAF, Good Relations and OpenCyc.

Sources and Further Reading

  • Homepage of,, accessed on 12 July 2013.
  • Video ( and transcript of the video) to and its importance for search engine optimization,, accessed on 29 June 2013.
  • Illustrative example showing the use of mark-up language based on the identification of information about the movie Avatar by James Cameron
  • Description Language