Schindler's Ark

Schindler's List is a novel by Thomas Keneally in 1982 and the basis for the Oscar-winning film of the same Schindler's List by Steven Spielberg. It is based on official documents, letters, interviews, and private records. The original title is Schindler 's Ark.


The novel is about Oskar Schindler, who in 1939 in Krakow a factory takes over, about 150 Jews find work. He knows about the plight of the Jews in the labor camps and tried to get as many as possible in his factory. Since he has good friends with the Nazis and lists faking to represent uneducated Jews as skilled workers, he manages to bring many Jews from the camps in his factory, which is growing steadily. He manages in the following years of war to preserve the Jewish workers from the Nazis. He saves as over 1000 Jews their lives. When the war is over, fleeing the Nazi Party member to Argentina.


In 1982, the novel won the Man Booker Prize.


Original editions

  • Keneally, Thomas Schindler 's Ark, Hodder & Stoughton - ISBN 978-0340936290

German translation

  • Keneally, Thomas: Schindler's List, Goldmann Verlag, translated by Günter Danehl - ISBN 978-3442425297


  • An extraordinary achievement - Graham Greene
  • Brilliantly detailed, moving, powerful and gripping - The Times
  • Literary work
  • Novel, epic
  • Literature ( 20th century)
  • Literature ( English )
  • Oskar Schindler