
The term Schnitzelmitkartoffelsalat is a test concept of webmasters to explore the properties of search engines. He was mentioned on 15 November 2002 by Steffi Abel de.comm.infosystems.www.authoring.misc first time in the newsgroup. Originally thus be measured by the visit of the robot to the inclusion in the index of the search engine the time. Schnitzelmitkartoffelsalat there was an elected term, which was not represented at this time to Google in the index.

The goal has been extended to study how Google different HTML structures processed and the results are delivered. For the original objective, the term has become unsuitable, since it can be found on hundreds of pages. Schnitzelmitkartoffelsalat has become a synonym for character strings that are not to be found in search engines.

It is of particular interest as the various algorithms of the search engines work and how the robots index the pages. The findings may help to optimize websites for such search engines.
