Scipione Breislak

Scipione Breislak ( born August 16, 1750 in Rome, † February 15, 1826 in Milan ) was an Italian geologist of Swedish origin and since 1767 a member of the Piarist.


Scipione Breislak studied philosophy and theology and taught mathematics and philosophy in Ragusa, in Rome at the Collegio Nazareno physics, at the Department of Philosophy in Nola and at the Military Academy in Naples.

In particular, he focused on mineralogy and geology, such as the volcanic soils of Campania. To this end, he published in 1798 his important work " Topografia fisica della Campania ".

On a trip to Naples and France, he joined with Georges Cuvier, Antoine François de Fourcroy and Jean- Antoine Chaptal in contact. After his return, he was a long time director of a Alaunsiederei at Naples, in the environment, especially at Pozzuoli and Solfatara, he carried out geological investigations. Later, he lived in Rome and Paris until Napoleon Bonaparte appointed him inspector of the saltpetre and powder manufacturing in the Kingdom of Italy.

As namesake

The first found in Italy dinosaurs Scipionyx, was named after him in 1998, as Breislak had published the first scientific description of the limestone deposits, where later the beautifully preserved fossils of this species were found.

According to him, a lunar crater ( Breislak ) and a mineral ( aka Breislakit ilvaite ) are also named.

Works (selection)

  • Topografia fisica della Campania, Florence, 1798.
  • Introduzione alla geologia, Milan, 1811 (French 1819).
  • Institutions Geologiques, Milan 1818 = Traité sur la structure extérieure du Globe, Paris 1822.
  • Descrizione della provincia di Milano Geologica, 1822.