Scipione de' Ricci

Scipione de ' Ricci (* 1741 in Florence, † December 28, 1810 ) was an Italian Catholic priest who was 1780-1791 Bishop of Pistoia. He sympathized with Jansenist ideas.

With the support of the later to become Emperor Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany at that time, he tried to implement religious reforms, which he in 1786 the Synod of Pistoia convened, inspired by Febronianism and Gallican took decisions. After the acceptance of the decrees remained low, Ricci was forced to resign after Leopold's coronation as emperor in 1790 as a bishop. Pope Pius VI. set up a commission of inquiry, condemned the Synod 1794 in the bull Auctorem fidei. 1805 Ricci recognized this in front of the new Pope Pius VII.
