Scorpion I

Scorpio I was an ancient Egyptian King (Pharaoh) from the pre-dynastic period, who ruled around 3200 BC.

Sphere of influence

Scorpion sphere encompassed the areas Abydos, Naqada, Hierakonpolis and Elephantine and was therefore limited to regions in Upper Egypt. Trade relations with more distant places, however, were already well developed, the trade went according Retjenu about Buto and Minschat Abu Omar. About Elephantine existed a unternubische trade route to the south.

The grave

In 1988, the archaeologist Werner Kaiser and Günter Dreyer discovered by DAIK on the part of the archaeological site of Abydos ( Umm el- Qaab ), which carries the designation Cemetery U, the grave of the King ( Uj ), which dated to the Naqada culture IIIa2 been.

The grave has twelve chambers, it was 8 m × 10 m relatively large. The grave chamber is approximately 2.9 × 4.7 m tall, east of the grave chamber are nine storage rooms, which are divided into three rows of three chambers. Probably due to an increase in space requirements, two slightly larger storage rooms were added in a later phase. The grave is, for this time and in this size, an unprecedented Fund.

The grave contained the following findings: vessels for offerings, ivory rods and about 160 ivory tablets, royal scepter, 400 wine jars with a capacity of 4000 liters, which were imported from Retjenu and traces of a wooden shrine. The labeled jars provide the oldest known evidence of phonetically readable characters in a font in Egypt dar. Thus, an identification of the grave owner was possible because the jars with the inscription " plantation ( King ) Scorpio " probably from a domain, the Scorpion I founded. . As the successor to King Hawk is called I..
