script (Unix)

Script is a command line program on Unix and Unix-like operating systems that records all input and output of a terminal to a file.


The program is used in the Unix shell as follows:

$ Script [ file ] Other options are possible.

Depending on the Unix shell used the program and the recording by pressing Ctrl D or Ctrl C may be terminated. The entire Ein-/Ausgabe then available in the specified file with the parameter file for further processing.


Script is generated after starting a pseudo-terminal and ensures that all other inputs and outputs to a file and the outputs are also output on the original terminal, and then calls a shell with the pseudo-terminal to the newly created. Once this shell is left, close even script, and the recording is finished.

The recording of inputs and outputs is done unfiltered, so that control characters such as backspace or the repositioning of the terminal cursor is recorded as bytes.


Script (1 ) - Debian GNU / Linux Executable programs or shell commands manual page

  • UNIX software
  • GNU core utilities