Scyllarus arctus

Little Bear Cancer ( Scyllarus arctus )

The Little Bears cancer ( Scyllarus arctus ) is a cancer of the family of lobsters ( Scyllaridae ).


The Little Bears cancer reaches a length of up to 12 centimeters. The carapace is thorny and almost as wide as long. The second antennae are plate-like and their edges are rounded - lobed. The abdomen is more or less straight-sided. Uropods and telson are rounded.


The species occurs from the Mediterranean prior to the Azores and south-west England, where it is rare in England. They inhabited shallow coastal waters, the subsoil consists of gravel or coarse sand.


  • Peter Hayward, Tony Nelson -Smith, Chris Shields: The New Cosmos beach guide. Franckh - Kosmos Verlag, Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 978-3-440-10782-9, page 152