
SeaMonkey (English for the brine shrimp ) is a product derived from the Mozilla Application Suite Free Internet application package that consists of web browser, email program, chat - client, HTML editor, address book and other assistance programs.

Principal advantage of the program package is that the implemented modules essential parts of the program use together. This saves disk occupied and achieved a certain speed advantage. In contrast, at Mozilla's popular offshoots Firefox and Thunderbird every program comes with its own libraries. These are then twice in memory.


When the Mozilla Foundation announced in late 2005, the development of their Mozilla Application Suite and officially cease its support in order to devote his time to, especially the development of the web browser Firefox and the email client Thunderbird, a group found software developers who continuation of the software development of the previous Mozilla Application Suite with a new name took over.

As official name their project finally received the former code name of the previous project, which originally comes from the brand name of almost the same American brine shrimp - breeding line Sea-Monkey ( Artemia Nyos ). On 30 January 2006 the first official version (1.0) was released.

SeaMonkey 1.x demonstrated by his roaming feature the possibility, passwords, bookmarks, to save cookies and other user data on a central server in order to use them from different locations. SeaMonkey 2.0 no longer provides this function. However, with enlargement Firefox Sync similar services. Sync has been integrated directly in SeaMonkey 2.1.

SeaMonkey as the product is indeed developed in parallel with Firefox and Thunderbird, but most of the code with these divides in the background while preserving the distinct look and feel. The development cycles are largely synchronized with the two official products.


SeaMonkey is also available as a portable version called " SeaMonkey, Portable Edition ".

After a naming dispute with the Debian project on the conditions for using the trademark of Mozilla that comes with Debian SeaMonkey package was named Iceape. Other Mozilla programs also received new names that all begin with Ice. In between, some release dates are rescheduled to avoid conflicts with holidays.

Revision history

The SeaMonkey project was launched after Mozilla had announced not to continue development of the Mozilla Application Suite, whose last version, the Mozilla Application Suite 1.7.13, was released on 19 April 2006.


Address, in SeaMonkey version 1.1

IRC client ChatZilla, in SeaMonkey version 1.0

Extension Management ( engl. Add- ons Manager ) in SeaMonkey version 2.0

Calendar extension Lightning, in SeaMonkey version 2.0.3

  • Navigator: A web browser for viewing Web pages
  • Mail News: E -mail program, news and feed reader
  • Composer: WYSIWYG HTML editor, in contrast to the spin-off (formerly Nvu ) but without HTML form support KompoZer
  • Address: Contact Management
  • IRC client: ChatZilla
  • Tools for Web Developers: JavaScript Debugger Venkman, DOM Inspector