Sean Young

Mary Sean Young ( born November 20, 1959 in Louisville, Kentucky ) is an American actress.


Sean Young graduated from Cleveland Heights High School and studied at the School of American Ballet in New York City. After graduating she debuted in a theater in Los Angeles. Her first film role was in 1980 in Jane Austen in Manhattan.

Young played in the film Blade Runner (1982), opposite Harrison Ford in the movie " Dune - Dune " (1984 ) next to Kyle MacLachlan, Jürgen Prochnow, Sting and Patrick Stewart, in the film No Way Out - There's no turning back (1987 ) next Kevin Costner and Gene Hackman in the movie Ace Ventura - Pet Detective (1994 ) alongside Jim Carrey and Courteney Cox. For her portrayal of twin sisters in the movie The kiss of death, she received the Anti- Film Awards Golden Raspberry for 1991 equal to two times, once as worst actress and worst supporting actress than once. Young also participated in the fifth season of the reality TV show Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew and had to be accompanied during a drug withdrawal.

Young was married from 1990 to 2002 with Bob Lujan and has two sons (* 1994 and * 1998).

Filmography (selection)

German dubbing voices

Sean Young was among others in Germany synchronized by Traudel Haas and Katja Nottke.
