Secretariat of Public Security (Mexico)

The Secretaría de Seguridad Pública (SSP ) was the political secretary ( the government) for Public Security in Mexico. As Secretariat of the Government, it was comparable to a Ministry at the highest level of government of a state.

The Authority was established in 2000, and sent by January 3, 2013 replaced by the Comision Nacional de Seguridad.

Mexico was one of the states in which the task field of internal security is perceived by its own governing body of the ministries level. The usual other duties of a Ministry of Interior of many systems of government are perceived in Mexico by the Secretaría de Gobernación ( SEGOB ).

The SSP articulated most recently in two sub- secretariats ( Subsecretarías ), one for "political crime " ( Política Criminal ) and one for " prevention and citizen participation" ( Prevención y Participación Ciudadana ), as well as a section for " transparency, innovation and quality " ( Transparencia, Innovación y Calidad ). The SSP unterstend the Policía Federal ( Federal Police, formerly the Policía Federal Preventiva ) and the Executive Secretariat of the National Council of Public Security ( Sistema Nacional del Secretariado Ejecutivo de Seguridad Pública - SE - SNSP ).


The office of " Secretario " / a " Secretaria " of the government in Mexico is comparable to that of a minister of a state government.
