Seeta Devi

Seeta Devi ( Hindi: सीता देवी, Sita Devī, real name: Renee Smith, * 1912, † unknown) was an Indian silent film actress.


Seeta Devi is Anglo- Indian origin. She began as a theater actress in Dhiren Ganguly. The stage name Seeta Devi got them from Himansu Rai, who cast her in The Light of Asia, a German -Indian co-production about the life of Gautama Buddha, as Gopa (woman and later follower of the Buddha ) in 1925. The German director Franz Osten turned out that two other silent films - Shiraz and Prapancha Pash - in India, in which Seeta Devi has also played leading roles. In Charu Roy's film adaptation of a popular legend, The Loves of a Mughal Prince ( 1928), she took over the role of the courtesan Anarkali. Under the director Priyanath Ganguly played in the 1920 most frequently and was there several times occupied next Durgadas Bannerjee and Patience Cooper.

It is believed that both Renee Smith and her sister Percy Smith under the stage name " Seeta Devi " occurred.

