Sekhemkare (Vizier)

Sechemkare was a prince of the ancient Egyptian 4th Dynasty. He was a son of Pharaoh Khafre and his wife Hekenuhedjet. Probably during the reign of Userkaf and Sahura, the two first ruler of the 5th Dynasty, he held the post of vizier and was thus the highest official to the king. As a wife of Khufu Sechemkare [ ... ] et is known, the name is, however, only survived incomplete.

His grave

Sechemkare heard the rock grave LG 89 on the Central Field in Giza. The grave consists of two rooms that are equipped with numerous reliefs. The rear, smaller room contains the entrance to a list of names of Khafre, Menkaure, Shepseskaf, Userkaf and Sahura.
