
A seminar is a learning and teaching event, which is used to interactively in small groups to acquire or deepen knowledge. Seminars are conducted by a seminar leader or coach.


The term seminar can be attributed to the Latin term seminars ( " sow " ) or seminarium ( " nursery, nursery " ) traced back to the 17th century. This type of course was at the beginning of idealism in the 18th/19th. Century reintroduced. The students were basically viewed as equal participants in scientific work, as in the medieval universitas.

Seminars at universities

Seminars ( called also partly Academic seminars) at universities serve the deepening of scientific knowledge and can be offered on any topic of the art. In contrast to the lecture, they are characterized by greater interactivity between wire and seminar participants. These are to be used in small related groups ( about five to twenty participants ), with exercises, discussions and presentations by students ( learning by teaching ). At the end of the seminar is often a seminar paper to create or sporadically to complete an exam. The science that explores effective teaching and learning in seminars and teaches is called higher education pedagogy. The claim to work intensively in a small group, some disciplines are in reality at some German universities often numbers of participants from 40 to 100 students receive. There seminars are often " held by students lectures with not quite as many listeners " or " lectures in which the teacher integrates the students by asking questions, feedback or other activities. "

Sometimes a distinction is made between undergraduate seminars for beginners in the basic studies and resources, in-depth and advanced seminars for graduate students. Oberseminare be settled as special seminars after the seminar. Occasionally such a seminar for exam candidates also Privatissimum or exam Colloquium is called. Seminars are held usually by faculty. Only rarely and only in certain subjects and graduate students may conduct a seminar. Main and advanced seminars may usually be carried out by professors or other habilitated lecturers.

Seminars in Adult Education

Seminars within the framework of adult education, job training, the community college or other educational institution as events or youth education are interactive learning events with workshop character. Modern methodology and didactics determine the work in learning groups ( social learning ). The trainer designed a learning environment in which learners find the best possible environment for independent learning. Most of this learning is experiential (action -oriented teaching ).
