Seminole bat

Lasiurus seminolus

Lasiurus seminolus is a bat species from the family of Myotis bats ( Vespertilionidae ), which is native to North and Central America.


Lasiurus seminolus is a medium sized bat with an average total length of 97.7 mm and a weight of 10.8 to 13.8 g. You may be confused because of its reddish coat color with the red bat ( Lasiurus borealis). However, Lasiurus seminolus is more mahogany, while the red bat is usually colored brick red. At the thumb approaches and the shoulders, the species has white spots. The fur on the face and around the ears is generally shorter and lighter than the rest of the coat. The ears themselves are short and round with a well rounded tragus.

Way of life

Lasiurus intermedius is like most bats nocturnal and feeds on insects. She flies high above the treetops and captures the prey in flight. Its distribution area is usually coupled to the presence of Spanish moss ( Tillandsia usneoides ) that the days are often preferred hiding place. In addition, you will find the way even under loose bark and leaves. Lasiurus seminolus regarded as a loner and so rarely found several animals on the same slope space. In exceptional cases, the animals are hanging at a distance of 30 cm from each other. In winter Lasiurus seminolus migrated likely as other species of the genus Lasiurus in temperate regions occur in more southerly regions of their range. Lasiurus seminolus wakes up in warmer temperatures, especially in southern areas from hibernation and goes on his nocturnal foraging. Generally, however, the type flies at temperatures not below 18 ° C.


As with other members of the genus of the Red bats males and females mate probably in the fall. Over the winter, the females store the sperm a. Ovulation takes place only in the spring, after which the egg is fertilized with the stored sperm. Lasiurus intermedius is an average of 3.3 embryos pregnant, which is unusual for bats give birth to only 1-2 pups per litter typically.


Lasiurus intermedius occurs in the southeastern United States. The IUCN estimates the way thanks to their wide distribution and their occurrence in protected areas as an unthreatened.
