Sencha mac Ailella

Sencha mac Ailella [' ʃenxa mak' Alela ] is the name of a legendary figure from the Ulster Cycle of Celtic mythology of Ireland.

Sencha mac Ailella is a poet ( fili ) and right speakers at the court of King Conchobar mac Nessa. Unlike Bricriu Nemthenga and Dubthach Dael Ulad he continually strives to balance and peacemaking disputes. As an arbiter in disputes under the Ultem he is always successful because of his righteousness, for he is subject to the intellectual ( taboo Edition) that in a wrong verdict his face would be disfigured by stains. As an educator of Cú Chulainn he is also mentioned.

With this intellectual he is to be compared with the judge Morann whose neck collar clench in an unjust verdict.
