Sentayehu Ejigu

Sentayehu Ejigu ( born June 21, 1985 in Debre Markos ) is an Ethiopian long-distance runner.

The third in the Youth World Championships from 2001 in the 1500 meter race was the following year for the first time about 5000 m under 15 minutes. In 2004 she rose to 14:35:18 min and was tenth in the Olympic Games in Athens. After that, she was plagued by a long time and ankle pain; yet it was at the IAAF World Indoor Championships in Moscow in 2006 Fourth over 3000 m. Since she was responsible for a sick sister until her death in October 2007, she put her career back in 2008 and rose again into full workout.

In 2009, she finished fourth in the 5000m at the World Championships in Berlin. The following year, she won bronze respectively over 3000 meters at the World Indoor Championships in Doha and over 5,000 m at the European Athletics Championships in Nairobi, Africa.

In 2011 she won the World's Best 10K.

It is the tenth of eleven siblings and comes from a family of merchants. Your running talent was discovered at school, and in the late 1990s, she moved to Addis Ababa. There they joined the club Banks, where she met her future husband, the middle-distance runner Berhanu Alemu.


  • Hall: 14:46,80 min 10 February, 2010, Stockholm