Sentech Tower

The Sentech Tower, formerly also called Brixton Tower Albert Hertzog Tower, is a 234 -meter high TV tower of reinforced concrete in Johannesburg, South Africa.

In 2001, the SABC ( South African Broadcasting government ) acquired outsourced broadcast and IT operator Sentech the naming rights to the tower, which led to the current name.

The Sentech Tower was built in the years 1958 to 1962 and acts as a replica of the Stuttgart Television Tower ( completed 1956), since the tower baskets are built almost the same. However, the Sentech Tower features a three-storey tower with a viewing platform cage, while the Stuttgart copy has four levels and a two-level observation deck. The extraordinary similarity of the tower baskets is, however, only very difficult to detect, as the Sentech Tower signature changes the character strong.

Since 1982, the observation deck of the Sentech Towers is closed for safety to the public. It was feared that the platform could be a starting point for politically motivated attacks ( Umkhonto we Sizwe ). The tower stands on the outskirts of Johannesburg on a free hill and belongs to the suburb of Brixton.

In Johannesburg, there is a second TV tower, the Telkom Joburg Tower, which is also not open to the public.

Johannesburg is today considered one of the cities with the highest crime rate. Although not politically motivated attacks are expected, the city fathers have been taken from a re-opening of the two towers distance.

In 2005, however, was again discussed in the public accessibility of the Telkom Joburg Tower.
