Serdar (city)

38.96666666666756.266666666667Koordinaten: 38 ° 58 '0 "N, 56 ° 16' 0" E

Serdar ( formerly known as the Kyzyl - Arvat, Gyzylarbat, Gizil Arbat, Gızıl Arbat ) is a city in Turkmenistan.


About 220 km north- west of the capital Ashgabat located is the city on the northern edge of the mountain Kopet -Dag in the province of Balkan Welaýaty to about 100 meters above the sea.


The city is connected to the Trans-Caspian railway and the European route 60 and has an airfield.


In the 1995 census, 45,500 residents were counted, which accounted for an increase of 26.6 % since the last Soviet census in 1989.
