Sergei Alexander Schelkunoff

Sergei Alexander Schelkunoff (Russian: Сергей Александрович Щелкунов; * 15 Januarjul / January 27 1897greg in Samara, Russia;. . † 2 May 1992, Hightstown ( NJ ) ) was a Russian- American inventor.


Schelkunoff he studied at the Moscow State University in Moscow. In 1917, he moved over Siberia, Manchuria and Japan to the U.S. and lived from 1921 in Seattle. At the State College of Washington, he earned his master's degree in mathematics, and in 1928 he earned his Ph.D. at Columbia University.

He began (later Bell Labs) to work then in the research department of Western Electric. With Sallie P. Mead, he analyzed waveguide and discovered the propagated by George C. Southworth transverse electromagnetic wave. He held 15 patents.

In 1928 he married Jean G. Kennedy.
