Sergei Shamba

Sergei Shamba ( Abkhaz Сергеи Мирон - иҧа Шамба / Sergei Miron - ipa Shamba, Russian Сергей Миронович Шамба / Sergei Shamba Mironovich; born March 15, 1951 in Gudauta, Abkhaz ASSR, Soviet Union ) is an Abkhaz politician and former Prime Minister of the world's only by a few States recognized the Republic of Abkhazia.

Sergei Shamba studied during the Soviet era at the History Department of the Tbilisi Pedagogical University. In the last years before the collapse of the Soviet Union, he was active in the stronger Abkhaz national movement. Until February 1992, he served as Chairman of the ethno-political organization " Aidgylara ". During the war between the Abkhaz separatists and the central government in Tbilisi in 1992 and 1993, Shamba was deputy defense minister of the Republic of Abkhazia, which had declared independence in July 1992. In 1997 he was appointed foreign minister. At the same time he received his doctorate until 1998 at the Archaeological Institute in Yerevan on The political, socio- economic and cultural situation of the ancient and medieval Abkhazia on the basis of findings of archeology and numismatics. Shamba was at that time co- chairman of the party Amzachara. In June 2004, he resigned in protest against the murder of Garri Aiba, the second party leader and competed in the 2004 presidential election for the office of head of state. With just under 7 % of the vote, he retired here from the first ballot. Under the newly elected President Sergei Bagapsh Shamba was in December of the same year again foreign minister. On February 13, 2010, he was appointed by Bagapsh Prime Minister.

Sergei Shamba is married and has a son and a daughter.
