Serrasalmus elongatus

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Serrasalmus elongatus

Serrasalmus elongatus is a diminutive Sägesalmlerart from tropical South America. It resembles S. humeralis and is called in English because of their body shape also Elongated Piranha ( " Elongated Piranha " ) or Pike Piranha ( " pike piranha "). Local names or Caribe Pinche Piranha Mucura.


Serrasalmus elongatus has an elongated torpedo-shaped body shape, which gave the species the name " elongatus ". Because of their physical habitus they are perennial swimmers and skilled hunters. The fish are about 25 to 30 inches long. There are two color variants of S. elongatus. One has a silvery body, dark tail fins and a color spot behind the gills. The other is darker in color and has orange to red pectoral fins and reds on the head and on the gill plates.


Serrasalmus elongatus is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. Catches of S. elongatus were, inter alia, reported in the Amazon, Orinoco, Rio Apure, in the Llanos of Venezuela and the Rio Guaporé / Mato Grosso, Brazil.

Way of life

The life of S. elongatus is set on the exchange between the rainy season from April to September and the dry season in October to March. Adult specimens mostly live in deep white water rivers with high flow rate, while young fish often reside in flat black water lagoons with heavy vegetation of aquatic plants. On the foraging take root in floodplain forests. They ambush their prey from ambush and attack other fish species. S. elongatus feeds mainly on pieces fins and scales of other fish that are bitten out of their bodies. They are little reproductive, and their behavior is known so far little.
