Sessera Valley

45.7166666666678.2333333333333Koordinaten: 45 ° 43 '0 " N, 8 ° 14' 0" E

The Valle Sessera (also: Val Sessera or Valsessera ) is a mountain valley in the Alps in the northeast of the Italian region of Piedmont. It is traversed by the mountain stream Sessera.


The Valley is located below the Monte Rosa group, and is bordered to the east by the Valsesia. In the southwest, it falls down to the Val Cervo, to get lost in the plane of Vercelli.

Mainly located in the province of Biella, a small part of the valley is located in the province of Vercelli. The municipalities of the Valley have joined together in the administrative community Comunità montana della Valle Sessera.

Communities in the valley

Province of Biella

Province of Vercelli


Due to its remoteness and its various species of trees, the valley was a retreat for the Italian partisans during the Second World War.


The inhabitants of the valley live mainly from tourism, the ski slopes of Monte Biel, at the point of meeting with the Val Corvo during Bocchetto Sessera pass ( 1382 m asl ) located, play a special role.
