Seychelles Blue Pigeon

Paradise Fruit Dove

The Paradise Fruit Dove ( Alectroenas pulcherrima ), also red-headed dove warts, warts pigeon or Seychelles Blue - pigeon called, is a type of pigeon birds. It comes with only one subtype present only in the Seychelles.


The Paradise fruit dove reaches a body length of 25 centimeters. It is thus a relatively small pigeon. The body plumage is dark blue. The striking of them settled plumage on the head, throat, sides of the head and neck is light gray. The breast and sides of the neck are silver-gray. Striking is the head coloration. The cere is greatly expanded the range of the naked eye circles is very large. It has flesh-colored warts in this area.

Distribution, habitat and behavior

Like all Blue Fruit Dove is the paradise pigeon an island style with a very limited distribution area. She lives in the Seychelles evergreen forests from the lowlands to the mountain forests. It eats mainly fruits and berries. A big part in their food spectrum have wild figs. The breeding season occurs during the period October to November.

The nest consists of only one egg. Incubation period is 28 days, making it unusually long for pigeons. The young birds leave the nest after 14 days. The Paradise Fruit Dove is already bred in captivity. Here, the males showed a very aggressive behavior during the breeding season.

