
Saddle ʿ bān (Arabic شعبان, DMG Ša ʿ bān ) is the name of the eighth month of the Islamic calendar. Previous month of Rajab, the month following Ramadan. Along with these two months enjoying the damage ʿ bān in Islam particularly high esteem. A statement that is attributed to the Prophet Muhammad, reads: "The Rajab is the month of God, the damage ʿ bān is my month and Ramadan is the month of my Community. "

In pre-Islamic Arabia, the damage ʿ bān, which was after the ancient Arabian solar calendar in the summer, had a similar ranking as the Ramadan. The Prophet Muhammad held this month a multi-day fasting. After the introduction of the compulsory fasting in Ramadan the importance of the loss ʿ bān - fasting decreased, but there is still Muslims who continue to run this fasting as religious exercise. The basis for the damage ʿ bān fasting ( Siyam ša ʿ bān ) which, at NASA ʾ ī traditional prophet's words: "Between Rajab and Ramadan standing, is neglected him (sc. the damage ʿ bān ) while he is a month but in which the deeds of the Lord of worlds are carried aloft. And since I want my works to be lifted up, I am fasting. "

On the night of the 14th to 15th day of the loss ʿ bān the hard Lailatu is l - Bara'a (Persian: schab -i Barat ) instead. In the Shiite faith the center of the saddle ʿ ban is also celebrated as the festival for the birthday of Imam Mahdi. In Cairo, the jurist ash- Shafi ʿ ī is thought at first of the month. For some, the fourth and sixth day of the month are considered negative.
