Sherry Shourds

Sherry Shourds ( born March 17, 1906 in Pennsylvania, † February 13, 1991 in Burbank, California ) was an American assistant director, who was nominated for the Academy Awards in 1936 for an Oscar for best assistant director.


Shourds began in 1929 in the film The Iron Mask his work as assistant director in the film industry in Hollywood. For the film A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935 ) he was nominated for the Academy Awards in 1936 to only a few years Oscar award for best director assistant.

Other well-known films, when it was created, he was involved as assistant director include The Green Pastures (1936 ), Father directed (1938 ), The Bride of the Month (1948) and murder from second-hand ( 1966). He worked with, among others, the film directors Mark Connelly, William Keighley, Bretaigne Windust, Max Reinhardt, William Dieterle, Michael Curtiz and Robert Gist.

He turned as a director in addition to the short film Letter from a Friend (1943) and the film The Big Punch ( 1948) the episode " Lorinda Belle " of the television series The second man ( 1961).
